Thursday, February 18, 2010

All About Pine Coffee Tables

The Pine Coffee Table

Pine Coffee Tables have now become an integral part of living room decor. Be it your office or your bedroom, It's now a must to have a well-crafted pine coffee table that boasts of your rich taste in home decor. Since they give out that suave look, many homes now go in for these tables in their living room.

The first thing you should consider when you are buying a pine coffee table is that where do you want to put it, what will it hold and how big can it be. These Pine pieces come in variety of sizes, each one for a definite purpose. If you're looking to use your pine coffee table for actually stocking a few books, maybe magazines, or even a flower vase, I suggest you go for the rugged type.
But instead If you're looking for just a decorative piece, then go for those delicate ones that really enhance your room's spirit.
Some of the various types of Pine Coffee tables are :

1>. The Segusino cantera Pine coffee table
2>. The Corona Pine Coffee table
3>. The Ponderosa Pine Coffee Table
4>. The Wynwood Pine Coffee tables &
5>. The Tuscon Pine Coffee Tables.

I'll write more about these in the days to come. Today, Lets us review the The Segusino Cantera Pine Coffee table and the Poderosa Pine Coffee table

The Segusino Cantera Pine Coffee Table

The wood for these coffee tables are especially obtained from Mexico as Mexican pine is very strong and has got a very nice texture. Yes! This is the perfect table if you want to buy one to hold books,magazinee,etc. There are variety of sizes available in this category and will definitely suit your needs. Another special characteristic about the Segusino Cantera is the expertise that goes into a single piece. These are highly sturdy and will last a lifetime. Plus the pine used to create this beauty is environment friendly. You can be assured that one of these pieces, will give your house that style along with that rustic pine look.

The Poderosa Pine Coffee Table

This class of coffee tables are basically meant for your bedroom. They usually boast of 2-4 drawers to keeps your books, magazines and other documents. The handles are usually made of polished brass and gleam i the sunlight that just looks enriching. They are usually the lighter brown in shade and although not much of a choice is there in height, there are certainly pieces varying in height. Its a perfect addition to your double bed and will give the elegant look to your room. The whole set usually consists of a side table as well. Both of them are finely polished and look simply amazing when arranged the right way.